Displaying items by tag: invesco

Monday, 06 December 2021 19:47

The Best ESG Funds of 2021

With 2021 almost coming to a close it's worth looking back at the biggest ESG funds of the last year, and three have stood out in a very saturated market. Goldman’s Future Planet Equity ETF is an active fund that addresses environmental problems and has raked in $107m since its launch in mid-July. Invesco’s MSCI Sustainable Future ETF focuses on corporations utilizing natural resources more efficiently and has outperformed the previous Goldman’s Future Planet fund by 4.7% since July. Finally, the Humankind U.S. Stock ETF is an ESG focused fund that is weighted by proprietary data and varies greatly from the traditional cap-weighted ETF. HKND has raised over $106 million since its launch in February.

FINSUM: These are stand out performers in a highly saturated market, equity focused ETFs are the route to take as far as ESGs.

Published in Eq: Tech
Tuesday, 06 March 2018 09:17

Why Invesco is a Great Investment

(New York)

Despite the rally, stocks are still down 5% from the January peak. But Invesco, it is down around 15%, which Barron’s argues presents a great buying opportunity. Invesco’s mutual fund business will earn less income if stocks fall, but unlike others, it may be a big beneficiary of the next bear market. Two reasons for this include Invesco having a strong balance sheet to make low-priced acquisitions when times are tough (as it did during the Crisis) and the fact that it has a great smart beta business, which should do well in tough times. The stock currently trades at a 44% discount to BlackRock on an earnings multiple basis, making the price attractive.

FINSUM: Invesco seems like it would be good to use in a pair trade in a down turn as its relative performance should be better than competitors.

Published in Eq: Large Cap

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