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NDVR, a Boston-based advisor that combines technology and dedicated financial advisors to build and manage custom portfolios for high-net-worth investors, recently announced new capabilities that allow it to create hyper-customized portfolios reflecting the socially responsible investing values of individual clients. These new capabilities are part of the firm’s Unified Equity strategy, which includes direct indexing, active factors, tax-loss harvesting, and SRI. The company builds portfolios that directly reflect the values of its clients while targeting a combination of growth, volatility, and future cash-flow requirements. To incorporate SRI, NDVR will utilize data generated by the non-profit shareholder advocacy organization As You Sow's Invest Your Values screening platform. NDVR’s custom portfolios are designed to deliver what the firm calls Construction Alpha™, the aggregate performance enhancements expected from investment alpha, cost savings, and tax efficiency.

Finsum:NDVR, an advisor that offers customized portfolios through direct indexing, announced that its portfolios will now reflect the SRI values of individual investors.

Wednesday, 07 September 2022 04:22

More FTSE 100 Companies Have ESG Committees

Based on research published by Mattison Public Relations in London, more than half of the companies in the FTSE 100 now have board-level ESG committees. The data was compiled by reviewing the latest annual reports from all 100 companies. While the overall percentage was 54% of FTSE 100 companies, the research showed that the percentage varied by industry. For instance, 100% of oil, gas, and mining companies had board-level ESG committees, while only 13% of the non-bank financial services sector had these committees. Companies in the non-bank financial services sector include insurers, asset managers, and retail investment platforms. Within the 54%, 56% were made up entirely of non-executive directors. This would allow those companies to add directors with ESG expertise to provide greater oversight of the companies' ESG performance.

Finsum:Based on recent research, 54 companies in the FTSE 100 now have board-level ESG committees to evaluate a company’s ESG performance.

Southeast Asian wealth manager StashAway and Blackrock announced that the two firms will partner to offer a suite of multi-asset model portfolios. The portfolios will be managed by StashAway and built using Blackrock’s analytics and ETFs. StashAway launched in 2017 with its own General Investing portfolios but has since expanded its offerings to include ESG investing, thematic portfolios, and cash growth. The new partnership will provide Asia-based investors access to BlackRock’s investment capabilities through StashAway’s platform. Investors will be able to choose from three investing strategies optimized for long-term risk-adjusted returns. StashAway’s General Investing portfolio optimizes for long-term risk-adjusted returns while keeping risks constant. Its Responsible Investing portfolio follows the same strategy but is also optimized for ESG impact. The third portfolio, which will be powered by BlackRock, is a long-term investment strategy offering broader diversification for investors.

Finsum:AsianDigital wealth managerStashAway has partnered with BlackRock to provide investors access to multi-asset portfolios built using Blackrock’s analytics and ETFs.

Wednesday, 07 September 2022 04:21

The Great Debate: active or passive

The Great Debate. 60 Minutes’ Point Counter Point.


Call it what you want, but over time, there’s been a perpetual back and forth over this: should investors leverage active or passive strategies when committing dollars in fixed income markets, according to


Problem is, in light of the diatribe, a question remains: is the investor hitting the mark in terms of their investment goal or merely maintain a scent on a particular benchmark. The main issue, then, is whether investors are all In on the “appropriateness” of fixed


A perpetual discussion among those in financial services: active opposed to passive investment, according to


On one hand, as far as fees are considered, passively managed funds are viewed as easier on the wallet. Conversely, active managers purportedly offer valuable expertise; that’s why their rates are slightly higher.


Also asked is why large bond allocations might be the hands of investors. Is it for income? If so, do they want to fork over money to a manager to provide that little extra?, the site continued.  

During a recent Goldman Sachs webcast, advisors were surveyed and asked by VettaFi: “When it comes to fixed income investing, do you believe in active management, passive management, or a mix?” according to

Fifty five percent touted a cocktail of active and passive, while 36% firmly fell into the passive camp. Active drew nine percent.


While active strategies still are in vogue and when it comes to their relative upside,, advisors must have their antenna up, according to data from VettaFi.

Wednesday, 07 September 2022 03:56

Financial advisors shifting firms

You know what they say about timing? Well, plenty, probably, but among them is now an idyllic time – the best in years, in fact -- for financial advisors to bolt one firm for another, according to Mindy Diamond, founder and CEO of Diamond Consultants, according to It originally appeared on


So, why now, you might ask? Diamond says quality advisors are receiving transition packages “at real high water marks.” She added that it’s a “real sellers market” where advisors are “more likely [to] find [their] version of utopia versus five or 10 years ago.”


Okay, that can be persuasive.


Now, compensation aside, financial advisors with an eye making a change also are keen on “freedom and control,” said Diamond. Autonomy, she continued, in squarely in their wheelhouse.”


And there’s more, she noted. A burgeoning number of options are on the plate for advisors eyeing parting ways with large firms. Among them: aligning with “boutiques” that offer freedom and control, more opportunities for those with entrepreneurism on their radar to start RIAs of their own

That said, tempted though you might be, before delver deeper into a potential job switch, consider a few things, advises

  1. Thoroughly Review the Expense Structure Details
  2. Upfront Bonus (Loan) - Proceed with Caution!
  3. Develop a Comprehensive Proforma to Compare and Contrast Firms


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