Model portfolios, of course, are designed for investors. They abet their ability to outsource investmentmanagement; that way, they can drill down on firming their relationships with clients by way of otherfinancial planning services, according to Those include, for example, developingstrategies evolving around estate and taxes.
It seems they’re on something of a roll. More than 2,400 models were reported to Morningstar’sdatabase as of May. Since 2019, 30% of them were launched, according to the site.
Now, even if investing’s in your wheelhouse, it might not be a bad idea to lean in on a pro for someadditional guidance, according to It might be logical to see an advisor associated with aburgeoning trend blending model portfolios into the process of financial planning, the site continued.
In the simplest form, Broadridge explained, model portfolios are a series of predefined asset allocationpie charts in which a recommended mix of different asset classes are proposed based on a client’s risktolerance.”
For the industry, the implications are substantial as more advisors adopt and rely on the portfolios,which enables them to build a scalable business that simultaneously provides clients with additionalattention, the site reported.