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Tuesday, 02 October 2018 09:46

The Safest Stocks are Surging

(New York)

In a sign that is setting off alarm bells on Wall Street, the market’s safest stocks have been surging of late. Investors are increasingly demanding “quality” stocks as a buffer against a potential downturn in the market. “Quality” stocks usually refers to to companies with a range of positive characteristics like high profitability and low debt. However, market strategists point out that such stocks are so well bought that they might not have their intended effect, “Quality factors are well bid so may not be as defensive as people expect”. ETFs that track “quality” stocks have been surging.

FINSUM: One can understand the flight to quality given very high valuations and the hawkish Fed, but it is still a worrying sign that so many feel the need to take cover.

Tuesday, 02 October 2018 09:45

Amazon Makes a Big Move on Wages


Amazon has just taken a big step to improve the welfare of its enormous mass of workers. The company has raised the minimum wage across all its businesses to $15 per hour. The wage will apply to the company’s 250,000 employees and 100,000 holiday workers and will begin on November 1st. Amazon also says that it will now push for an increase to the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.

FINSUM: This is a good move for Amazon’s workers, but it might be even better for Amazon’s reputation. The company has recently come under scrutiny for its labor and monopolistic practices, and this is one way to offset those concerns.

(New York)

A trade war is in full swing. While the US finally closed an updated trade deal with Mexico and Canada this weekend, the big battle with China is still revving up. Both sides have raised tariffs considerably in recent weeks and have canceled various negotiations and meetings. With that in mind, Goldman has put out a list of stocks they say will perform well in the ongoing trade battle. Overall, Goldman says shares with high and stable margins are in the best position to pass along cost pressures, which means they are the best bet for investors. “Companies with high pricing power are well-positioned to pass through input cost pressure to consumers, preserving high margins … The market typically rewards companies with high margins when the outlook for corporate profitability worsens”, says the bank. Some of the stocks listed include Autozone, Adobe, Coca-Cola, VeriSign, Ralph Lauren, and Expedia, among a total list of 33 companies.

FINSUM: We like the approach and diversity of this list of shares. We do think a commanding market position will be key to maintaining margins, so agree with Goldman’s view here.

Monday, 01 October 2018 10:51

Most Economists Say a Recession Looms

(New York)

The big question on every investor’s mind (and Wall Street’s) is when the US recession will arrive. With the economy doing so well, and certain indicators flashing negative, a recession in the next few years looks all but certain. But how soon? Some say it will be by the end of 2019, others think that is too aggressive. Well, a survey of US business economists has just been published that shows a majority of them believe the recession will arrive before the end of 2020. Most precisely, 66% believe a recession will occur before the end of that year.

FINSUM: This seems like a fair representation to us, but predicting the timing of recessions is notoriously difficult, so there may be little value in this survey.

Monday, 01 October 2018 10:50

A New Way to Bet Against Stocks

(New York)

Looking at the market’s performance, it is probably a good time to short some shares. The majority of gains for the sector are being driven by a handful of high-flying tech shares, but the majority of stocks are doing much. Therefore, it seems like a good bet to short certain under-performing sectors. However, the options for doing so aren’t great, as the majority of short ETFs cover the whole market or are heavily leveraged. Now there is a new option though, the AdvisorShares Dorsey Wright Short ETF. The ETF shorts only the market’s 80 to 100 weakest mid and large caps, and it is one of only four short ETFs that don’t seek to replicate an index’s return.

FINSUM: This seems like a very good application of the smart beta concept.

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