
(New York)

One of the big beneficiaries of all the geopolitical events of this year, as well as of rates hikes, has been small caps. Smaller companies tend to perform better in economic expansion, and they look more likely to hold up to foreign trade tensions as they have a more domestic focus. After hitting records in August, small caps are now in correction territory, having lost 10% from their high. They are now underperforming large caps for the first time this year as many see trade tensions easing.

FINSUM: Small caps sometimes suffer at the end of economic expansions, so this move makes sense. Still an almost 9% loss in the Russell 2000 this month is rough.

(New York)

We have been running a lot of stories lately about the best investments for a rising rate environment. The reasons are obvious. However, instead of pointing out ETFs for allocation etc, we found a good piece interviewing money managers about how they are handling their portfolios. Some of those interviewed are relying on short-term bonds to minimize their rate risk. Since the yield curve is quite flat, you get almost no extra compensation for the rate risk of holding longer maturity bonds. One manager highlighted that bonds in the 2-5 year window were a sweet spot. Some also said the market is over-discounting inflation and that inflation linked assets were a good idea.

FINSUM: Short-term bonds seem a like good play, but we have also been impressed with the interest rate hedged ETFs out there, which often go long corporate bonds and short Treasuries to offset any losses. They seem to have performed well.

(New York)

Fighting the impact of rising rates on one’s portfolio is likely a primary goal of many advisors and investors right now, so we will be running a series of stories on the topic. For instance, Goldman Sachs has just released a new ETF in the area. In what is being called “smart beta exposure to bond markets”, Goldman has launched the Goldman Sachs Access Inflation Protected US Bond ETF (GTIP). The fund selectively chooses Treasury Inflation Protected Securities and costs 0.12% per year. “TIPS present an attractive diversification opportunity for many investors with relatively low correlations to other major asset classes”, says Goldman.

FINSUM: TIPS seem like a good investment right now, but we wonder how this will perform versus other rate hedged ETFs, most of which seem to have a different angle.. On the plus side, it is quite low cost.

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