Wealth Management

(New York)

The market is currently in a rough patch. Even with yesterday’s big rally, the near-term prognosis for stocks could be quite bearish. That said, one product that would clearly benefit from a bear market is fixed index annuities. Because they are designed for principal protection (with limited upside), they tend to do very well during down markets, with clients showing ample demand. They are also not overly vulnerable to the Fed cutting rates, so taken altogether, they may be a perfect product for this market.

FINSUM: It seems like a good time for fixed index annuities, and we suspect clients will be showing good demand for the product given widespread anxiety.


Variable annuities have been going through a difficult period recently. Fixed and fixed index annuities have been grabbing market share in the year since the DOL rule got canceled. However variable annuities just escaped an important new regulation. Massachusetts just implemented the first state fiduciary rule—which may become a template for liberal states all over the country. However, variable annuities have officially been categorized as insurance products, not securities, so do not fall under the purview of the best interest rule.

FINSUM: This is a major development for the variable annuities industry because there were a lot of fears the rule would consider them securities. It seems like the Massachusetts rule will become the standard template for state adoption all over the US, so this is a big victory.

(New York)

A new report shows that fixed index annuities sales have been surging. FIAs saw sales jump 57% in 2019, and there appear to be two reasons why. Firstly, the defeat of the DOL’s fiduciary rule completely reopened the market to a product that had been in serious trouble in the period leading up to the rule. Additionally, due to de-risking, variable annuities have become less attractive, and more money has been moving into fixed index annuities, which also offer higher rates than fixed annuities. Generally speaking, “Broker-dealers have embraced the solution as products become more transparent and consumer-friendly”, says Cerulli Associates.

FINSUM: The whole sales process for FIAs has really cleaned up its act and the marketing materials and structures are more accessible now. We expect this market to keep rising.

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