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Congress continues to look for ways to fund the $1.85 trillion bill that aims to spend on social and climate policy. While they have already considered objectives that would align the U.S. with the G20’s global minimum tax rate, the current bill will also affect wealthier individuals’ retirement vehicles. Congress will put limits on large accounts for individuals or couples with $10 million dollar retirement balances. The newest Build Back Better bill also eliminates the ‘backdoor’ Roth IRA by minimizing rollovers and conversions. The date for the former rule change isn’t until Dec. 31, 2028 but the backdoor loophole is set to close Dec. 31st of this year in the current bill.

FINSUM: Substantial changes to savings and retirement could be coming in the upcoming legislation, and investors should be aware of how these changes could affect their retirement vehicles.

Value has outperformed the market tremendously for a portion of this year and value managers must  be starting to get a little of that old feeling back...see the full story on our partner's site

Monday, 08 November 2021 17:03

China Is Hoarding Dollars

China has banked an inordinate amount of U.S. dollars in the last couple of months as trade surpluses and inflows flow into its bond market. The Chinese trade surplus through September was about $100 billion larger than its 5 year average preceding the pandemic. This current account will provide a buffer against any foreign debt problems regardless of any economic situations China faces this year. The current account surplus could allow China to deleverage its corporate debt market, particularly in real estate, which has faced a difficult bond market. China’s dollar holdings have allowed the yuan to appreciate like other emerging market currencies, such as in Russia and Columbia. Holding greenbacks is a bet on a growing U.S. Economy, and could help China hedge their slower growth.

FINSUM: The large current surplus could mean myriad things for China, but it could also just be another symptom of the global economic disruption due to Covid-19.

Monday, 08 November 2021 17:02

ESG Gets Boost in Jobs Release

Job growth had been performing below expectations in recent months, but the Recent BLS Report showed the Economy has bounced back with 531,000 jobs. Perhaps even more significant is the gender breakdown of these new positions: 57% of the new jobs were created for women. While the report is a positive, it is not all good news. Many of the new jobs created were for retail and hospitality, which have lower wages and don’t offer as many benefits. Still, wages are on the rise in this sector of the economy given the domestic labor glut. Finally, it will take time to restore the labor market to its pre-pandemic numbers. In fact, at this rate it will take another 8 months to recoup the job losses.

FINSUM: Minimizing labor disparities is a sign the economy is healing, but it's also a means for better economic growth in and of itself.

The Trump administration put rules in place which forbid employers from considering social or environmental impact when it came to fund selection from enrolling in retirement plans. However, the Biden admin is turning a new leaf on this front as they have proposed a rule which will ease the decision-making process for employers if they want to add ESG funds to their employees’ retirement plans. This is yet another proposal from the Biden admin that favors renewables and green corporations in the country's transition to net zero emissions. Part of the response is a boost in demand as investors have overwhelming interest in ESG in their portfolios. It isn’t a no brainer that ESG should be a part of a retirement portfolio, as it does prepare for downside risk, but it may not outperform.

FINSUM: The U.S. 401(k) savings machine is a huge pool of investment, and institutional savings could be a major boost to ESG demand.

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