Displaying items by tag: switching firms

Technology's allure is undeniable for financial advisors weighing a move to a new broker-dealer. Sleek interfaces, integrated apps, and workflow-reducing features promise efficiency and a world-class client experience. But while ease-of-use and functionality deserve scrutiny, a truly informed decision involves understanding the security, legal, and compliance capabilities of the prospective firm's tech.


Ask how client data is secured. What are the client-facing system's encryption standards, two-factor authentication, and access controls? Understand how the platform complies with industry regulations and data privacy laws. And most importantly, what happens if the lights go out? Does a comprehensive disaster recovery plan ensure business continuity and safeguard client assets even during outages or cyberattacks?


These may seem like technical minutiae, but your clients trust you've vetted these issues thoroughly when they follow you to your new professional home. Prioritizing security and compliance in your tech evaluation isn't just about ticking boxes; it's about safeguarding your practice's foundation and fostering the trust your clients deserve.

Finsum: Cybersecurity, compliance, and data privacy are key factors to consider when evaluating a potential broker-dealer’s technology.


Published in Wealth Management

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