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Tuesday, 21 December 2021 18:10

Portfolio Management Goes Mobile for Advisors

The cloud has been the latest computing craze financial firms have been chasing but it was mobile control that just got the latest expansion in portfolio management software. Enfusion Inc. is a leading provider of cloud based financial software and they are pushing through several new alterations to their mobile platforms. Mobile users will have personalized reports and real-time access to their market exposures. Additionally, they will have a variety of compliance management features including monitoring and overriding exceptions. Finally, a variety of managed services like secure document sharing and profit and loss statements optimized for mobile platforms will be available.

FINSUM: Companies with an advantage in cloud computing will make the quickest transition to mobile products because of the large data they can provide at the snap of their fingers.

Monday, 20 December 2021 18:26

SEC Launches New Industry Crackdown

The Security and Exchange Commission just issued a slew of new regulatory changes that would impact current trading standards. New changes could come into vote if they have majority support among the five commissioners and two others. Chairman Gensler stated he wants the public and markets to have fair material information. Essentially there is no public disclosure form when a plan to schedule share purchases takes place which can ultimately give insiders an advantage on the trading block. The research in academia has confirmed these trades are more beneficial in the ability to avoid losses inside a 60-day window.

FINSUM: These changes could lead to substantially less stock buyback plans in the coming years as insiders could face more symmetric returns.

Investors need to be more active with their finances and taxes as they enter retirement because it's not the time to coast as many presume. One of the areas retirees underestimate the costs of retirement and permanently puncture their safety net is in healthcare. Hefty premiums hit most Americans due to the Affordable Care Act once you hit 50, and most Americans who retire before Medicare will face a shocking bill. There are lots of healthcare tax credits available for those with low and middle incomes, and bigger benefits if healthcare costs breach 7.5% of adjusted income. Finally, Roth conversation ladders will dramatically impact your healthcare costs.

FINSUM: It’s critical to be informed about all of the tax benefits those approaching or entering retirement can take advantage of pre-Medicare.

Monday, 20 December 2021 18:24

Active ETFs Expected to Double in 2022

Over 500 institutional investors were surveyed and one of the top 5 most important themes going into 2022 is active management in areas like fixed income markets. A combination of factors are leading to more investment but broadly speaking, it is uncertainty which is having investors leaning into active management. On top of this, active management is preferred as the best strategy in risk management overall. A majority of those surveyed believe high fluctuation in inflows and outflows to passive funds put the market in a more systemically risky position. Despite a dragging start to 2021, 70% of investors said their active funds outperformed passive ones.

FINSUM: Picking stocks is always hard, but increased volatility could give pickers an edge.

There is a growing interest among investors, particularly when it comes to retirement, in annuities. Nearly 4/5ths of investors have interest in annuities but as few as 10% of retirement plans offer them. Things are changing at fidelity however, as they are giving the opinions for a guaranteed income direct plan if your employers pick it up. And it seems more employers will be taking on annuities in part of their 401k coverage given the 2020 Secure Act which eased the legal burdens on companies when picking up annuity coverage. Additionally Fidelity is giving the option of naming a beneficiary to your annuity which will curb the biggest concern among investors.

FINSUM: Most Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement and for those retiring sooner rather than later an annuity is a more secure bet given market turmoil.

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