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Wednesday, 20 April 2022 19:44

ESG: The Next Wave in Annuities

Everyone is racing to develop and deliver a new ESG product, and annuities are just the latest on this trend. BlackRock is teaming up with RetireOne and Midland National to deliver an SG option for a Fixed Index Annuity. The index will seek to minimize its exposure to environmental risk and invest in companies with lower C02 emissions, better data privacy, and workforce diversity. ESG assets as a whole could make up 50% or more of assets under management by 2025 and this is an indication of how that trend is entering other industries. Disclosure and ESG risks are prominent considerations for many companies.

Finsum: This is a great option for investors wanting income and ESG to tackle two birds with one stone.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022 19:42

The Next Wave of Socially Responsible Models

Charles Stanley is diving deeper into ESG with a new suite of model portfolios geared at responible passive investing. Jane Bansgrove will manage the model portfolios and is the investment director of Charles Stanley’s responsible investment committee. Studies have shown that many have put more emphasis on ESG and sustainability due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The funds will be available across different risk levels with different target growth rates that correspond to them. They are designed to be low cost and efficient like many other passive ESG funds.

Finsum: Model portfolios are a natural marriage with ESG, because thematic investing caters itself to a model that can make selections.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022 19:39

JPMorgan Bullish on Value and Growth Stocks

Growth and value don’t typically have strong co-movement with one and other unless its a total market rally, however JPMorgan’s Kolanovic is telling investors that forking central banks, rising commodities, and stock sell off are the catalyst for the bulls to move on value and growth. He told investors to construct a barbell portfolio with bio-tech tech and innovation pulling growth and metals and mining leading the way for value. Its the perfect swarm of macro factors that can elevate these markets. International growth stock have fallen so far they are beginning to show P/E ratios that look like value stocks and should intrigue investors. JPMorgan says the war in Ukraine could persist which will continue to elevate commodities.

Finsum: This is a great time for traditional energy, particularly for bond investors stuck in the cold.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022 19:36

Natural Gas Surges to Over Decade High

Oil has been dominating headlines but natural gas prices skyrocketed to a t 13 year high on the back of Russia’s war on Ukraine. To add to the fodder temperature forecasts for spring are remarkably low which means homes will be utilizing more natural gas in order heat homes. Overall prices are $8.05 per million British thermal units and are up 108% through the year already. Financial markets aren’t sure this price increase is permanent and Citi has only raised their end price target to $4.60 by the end of 2022.

Finsum: Keep an eye on natural gas bonds as just like oil surging, it could mean good things for companies ability to repay.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022 19:35

Time to Harvest those Fixed Income Losses

It's never too early to begin thinking about tax-loss harvesting and there is a ripe situation in the bond market. The yield curve has been on the rise due to Fed tightening and inflation. Rising yields mean lower bond prices and ETF owners have taken a bath. Selling off those funds right now could give you a tax advantage later this year. However, investors should get out of the fixed income route altogether. Markets are beginning to show signs of a recession or straight volatility so replacing your bond ETF with another fixed-income ETF could help in the case of a recession. Or if bond prices begin to take off it's a good option to have some skin in the game.

Finsum: The wash rule makes harvesting losses in equity markets a bit difficult, but the plethora of bond funds and options gives investors better ability to harvest losses now.

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