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Tuesday, 24 April 2018 11:41

Why a Trade War with China is Inevitable


One of the world’s most respected economists has explained something all investors need to hear—why a trade war with China is impossible to avoid. Stiglitz says that so long as the US does not accept China’s right to develop its economy, there will be no meaningful agreement. Because of the path China is on, and the US’ position—led by Trump—no durable trade deal can be achieved. Fundamentally, the US does not accept that China is a “developing country”, rather it sees it as a large and mature nation, and this conflict will keep any serious deal from getting done.

FINSUM: There may be a short-term deal to save public face, but the US and China seemed destined to square off on trade for the foreseeable future.

(New York)

Worries are rising that the Vix index may be getting manipulated. Last week, the Vix surged 10% just moments before an auction which sets the price of derivatives, which has led many to cry foul. What is so odd about the move is that it occurred despite no corresponding move in the S&P 500, which the Vix is supposed to reflect. Apparently what moved the market was a massive purchase of options betting that the S&P 500 would fall 50% in the next month. The bet is so improbable that it appears it was placed solely to send the volatility index soaring.

FINSUM: This sounds like standard manipulation. Buy a large amount of cheap out of the money options and try to profit on the rise in the Vix. They need to look at the make up of the index, as a $2.1m options purchase should not send the Vix soaring 10%.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018 11:38

Bets on Heavy Rate Hikes are Rising

(New York)

For a while there it was looking less likely that the Fed might hike aggressively. Weak jobs numbers seemed to indicate that the economy might be headed downward instead of upward, which would have put rate hikes on hold. However, investors are now once again increasing their bets that rates are going to rise. Many investors now expect the Fed to hike three to four times this year. According to Allianz, “You have this tug of war with the Fed trying to match policy to rising inflation expectations without taking the wind out of the sails of the economy”.

FINSUM: To be totally honest, we don’t think Powell is going to be hawkish enough to hike 3-4 times this year.


Advisors need to prepare themselves for what could be a harsh reality. While the wealth management business collectively holds a great deal of hope that the SEC will come out with an enlightened rule that makes much more sense than its DOL predecessor, the reality is that the SEC rule is likely to be much more expansive, and potentially much more onerous. The new SEC rule seems poised to cover all types of accounts and all groups—RIAs, B-Ds, and “associated persons”, all under a broad umbrella.

FINSUM: While the industry definitely has a much higher faith in the SEC, there is certainly an element of the “devil you know” going on here. If the rule is much more expansive, it could lead to a higher regulatory burden and yet more disruption to the industry.

(New York)

One of the big overarching questions regarding the Mueller probe over the last few weeks has been two-part: will Trump try to fire Mueller, and will the Senate step in to protect Mueller from said firing. Well, one half of the answer is now clear. Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has made clear that the Senate will take no action to protect Mueller from whatever moves Trump might make. McConnell said “I am the one who decides what we take to the floor … That’s my responsibility as majority leader. And we will not be having this on the floor of the Senate”.

FINSUM: The one Caveat here is that McConnell thought he said protecting Mueller was unnecessary because he did not believe Trump would try to fire him, which slightly leaves the door open to a change of position.

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