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Wednesday, 24 October 2018 09:41

Oil is Plunging


Stocks fell around 0.5% yesterday after being down much more. Oil fell 4%. The reasons why are many, but mostly it seemed to be bad timing. Saudi Arabia announced it would pump more oil at the same time as the market is worried about economic growth and aggregate demand. Invesco’s chief market strategist summarized the situation best, saying “Markets have underreacted to tariffs, because they weren’t really tangible. Now it’s getting more tangible with the IMF lowering growth forecasts and showing up in what could be seen as canaries in the coal mine … That’s putting downward pressure on stocks and on oil”.

FINSUM: We feel like oil is too high for where it should be right now. That said, the geopolitical risks surrounding Saudi Arabia could have a directly negative affect on gross oil supply, which would be positive for prices.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018 09:39

Bond Funds are Bleeding

(New York)

One of the big developments of this month is not just that stocks have been getting hammered, but that bonds are too. While yields have stagnated from their jump a couple weeks ago, bond funds are seeing major outflows. In fact, investors are withdrawing so much capital from bond funds that it is likely to be the worst month for outflows in the last three years. Through October 19th, investors had pulled almost $25 bn from mutual funds and ETFs that invest in bonds. The losses break 21 straight months of inflows.

FINSUM: A couple things to note here. Firstly, considering Treasuries started the year yielding 2.4% and are now at 3.13%, one month of outflows does not seem too bad. On the negative side, however, it is worrying that bonds are seeing major outflows at the same time as stocks are losing in a big way.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018 09:38

When the Dow’s Big Drop is Good News

(New York)

The market is so turned on its head right now that yesterday’s 126 point drop in the Dow seems like good news. The market has been so bad lately, that the fact that yesterday’s potential 550 point loss shrunk to only 126 points seemed like a positive development. Investors are worried about the idea of peak earnings, but analysts insist they are overreacting, with many reiterating that earnings will continue to be strong and the economy will stay in expansionary mode. Kate Warne, a strategist at Edward Jones, says that investors will realize this is not the end of the economic cycle just yet. “It’s not peak earnings, it’s peak earnings growth”, says Warne, continuing “The pace is still positive, just the growth rate isn’t as high as it was”.

FINSUM: We tend to agree with the strategists. If earnings still continue to grow in the next couple of quarters and the economy stays strong, it is hard to imagine that stocks will keep falling.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018 09:37

Trump Says He “Maybe” Regrets Fed Chief


President Trump has been complaining about the Fed’s hawkish behavior for several months. However, yesterday he seemed to escalate his discontent into something more specific. He told the media that he “maybe” regretted appointing Powell to lead the Fed. He said he was intentionally signaling the Fed that he wanted lower interest rates, but he acknowledged that the Fed was an independent entity. When pushed about the circumstances under which he would fire Powell, the President declined to comment.

FINSUM: Investors should keep an eye on whether Trump escalates his rhetoric into action. We doubt he will do anything about the Fed in the near term, but the market would certainly have a big reaction.

(New York)

There are a lot of dark clouds hanging over the market right now—trade war, rates, politics, Italy etc. However, one of the strong bright spots has been earnings. Company performance has been very strong, which has been a real boost against the headwinds. That is why this article scared us so much. Barron’s has run a piece analyzing earnings which shows that all is not what it seems. While earnings have been strong, with about three-quarters of companies beating estimates, what has been lost is that company’s are actually struggling with revenue, with only 58% beating estimates. That is the lowest percentage in six quarters, and shows that companies are having trouble hitting their sales goals.

FINSUM: Markets have reacted to this data, but not in a major way. We are quite worried about revenue struggles as it might indicate that consumers are tightening up and a recession could be on the way.

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