الثلاثاء, 07 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2023 02:51

Optimizing Portfolios With Direct Indexing

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Advisors can use direct indexing to optimize their clients’ portfolios, reduce tax bills, and offer more customized solutions. It also offers an opportunity for an advisor to differentiate themselves and increase their appeal to high net worth prospects with specific needs.


Direct indexing offers more flexibility and solutions than traditional passive investing while retaining the major benefits. One example is that it can be used to reduce concentrated stock positions in a manner that can offset capital gains taxes and help lead to a more diversified and balanced long-term portfolio.


With direct indexing, tax losses can be harvested and set aside. This effectively turns them into assets which isn’t possible with investing in index funds. It could be especially of value to clients expecting a future financial windfall who are interested in proactive steps to reduce the future tax burden. 


Indices can also be modified to offset a large allocation to a specific stock or sector in another part of the portfolio. For instance, someone who works in the tech industry with a large number of stock options may not want tech exposure in their personal portfolio. 


Advisors can start this conversation with prospects by discussing matters like future windfalls, concentrated positions, reducing capital gains taxes, and more personalized solutions.


Finsum: Direct indexing is a way to optimize clients’ portfolios especially those with large capital gains taxes, concentrated positions, and expectations of a future financial windfall. 


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