الثلاثاء, 07 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2023 02:52

Getting Past the Fear of Asking for Referrals

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The most effective form of prospecting is asking clients for referrals, yet 88% of financial advisors fail to do so. The simple reason is that most advisors feel too uncomfortable and don’t want to affect their existing relationship with clients. 


However, this fear must be overcome if an advisor is serious about growth. According to Brett Van Bortel, the director of consulting services at Invesco Global Consulting, the reluctance is counterintuitive as more than 85% of new business comes from referrals from existing clients. 


Van Bortel recommends advisors frame their request as an opportunity for the clients to help their friends and family with high-quality financial advice rather than as a favor for the advisor. The same principle applies to establishing fruitful relationships with centers of influence who often refer high net worth clients with complex issues. 


Centers of influence include other professionals like lawyers and CPAs. According to DeVoe & Co., 17% of new clients and 23% of new assets come from these referrals. They are looking for expertise and help in solving a problem. It can often take a long time to develop these relationships and build enough trust, but these efforts can yield steady long-term returns.

Finsum: A key source of growth for financial advisors is client referrals. Yet, many advisors are reluctant to ask their clients for referrals. 


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