الأربعاء, 24 تشرين1/أكتوير 2018 09:39

Bond Funds are Bleeding

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(New York)

One of the big developments of this month is not just that stocks have been getting hammered, but that bonds are too. While yields have stagnated from their jump a couple weeks ago, bond funds are seeing major outflows. In fact, investors are withdrawing so much capital from bond funds that it is likely to be the worst month for outflows in the last three years. Through October 19th, investors had pulled almost $25 bn from mutual funds and ETFs that invest in bonds. The losses break 21 straight months of inflows.

FINSUM: A couple things to note here. Firstly, considering Treasuries started the year yielding 2.4% and are now at 3.13%, one month of outflows does not seem too bad. On the negative side, however, it is worrying that bonds are seeing major outflows at the same time as stocks are losing in a big way.

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