الخميس, 06 أيلول/سبتمبر 2018 10:15

Munis Offer Some Tempting Yields

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(New York)

You wouldn’t usually think of muni bonds when you are looking for juicy yields (at least not investment grade munis). However, if you look further out on the yield curve, there are some very interesting bonds. For instance, there are AAA rated 15-year munis yielding 2.7%, up from 2.2% earlier this year. Comparable two-year munis have just 1.7% yields, representing a 100 basis point spread versus the treasury market’s 29 bp spread. This is the steepest the muni yield curve has been since 2000, which creates opportunity at the long end of the curve.

FINSUM: Most advisors will be aware that even with the currently low yields in munis, the tax exemption for high income clients make the bonds very attractive, so this is just icing on the cake.

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