الأحد, 23 حزيران/يونيو 2024 14:58

Ceramics Explode Across Demographics

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Ceramic studios have surged in popularity, offering a therapeutic alternative to digital interactions and fostering a sense of community. Places like Greenwich House Pottery (GHP) in New York have seen waiting lists grow significantly, highlighting the increased demand for hands-on creative activities. 


This trend aligns with a broader wellness movement and the art world’s renewed interest in ceramics. Ceramic studios also serve as excellent networking hubs, bringing together diverse groups of people, from hobbyists to professional artists, all united by a shared passion. 


Studios like GHP, think that a large majority of their clientele, nearly 80% are Lawyers, architects, doctors, retired curators, etc., so this leisurely activity could prove useful to also expand clientele and improve relationships. 

Finsum: One trend we think we’ll see is that there will be some migration of business adjacent activity from places like golf courses and country clubs to a new generation’s idea of recreation. 

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