الأحد, 23 حزيران/يونيو 2024 09:32

Visual Communication Key for Clients

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Tax, trust, and estate planning are in high demand ahead of a likely reduction to the estate and gift tax exemption in 2026. Surveys of over 2,000 financial professionals revealed that only 13% felt very confident about tax planning strategies, and just one in twenty felt confident with estate planning. 


Visual aids can bridge this knowledge gap by making complex concepts more understandable, thus increasing confidence among clients and advisors. Nearly four out of five respondents reported improved confidence in tax planning after webinars that used visual examples. 


Using practical examples and visual aids helps financial professionals recall information better and feel more confident discussing these strategies. This increased confidence may lead advisors to proactively bring up and explain complex planning strategies to their clients.

Finsum: Even just breaking the pace of complex information with graphical storytelling can boost client confidence and attention.

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