الجمعة, 03 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2023 14:44

Availability of Managed Accounts in DC Plans Continues to Grow

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As recently reported by PlanAdviser.com, payroll giant ADP has collaborated with Morningstar to introduce a proprietary managed accounts product to their over 100,000 DC recordkeeping clients. Morningstar emphasized the complexities today's plan participants face in retirement savings, particularly given the backdrop of high inflation and market volatility, which can be especially challenging f or those employed by smaller firms.


Chris Magno, Senior Vice President and General Manager of ADP Retirement Services, underscored the sentiment, stating, "Every retirement plan, irrespective of its scale, deserves access to tailored advice on a large scale."


It's clear why the availability of managed accounts continues to spread. Historically, DC plans have often presented their participants with two primary investment avenues: self-managing their portfolios or selecting predefined options like target date or balanced funds. Managed accounts, however, introduce a third, more collaborative method. These accounts consider not only age and risk preferences but also additional factors, such as assets held by participants outside their 401(k).


Integrating managed accounts can enhance the bond between advisors and participants. Advisors typically play a pivotal role in defining the managed accounts program guidelines and engaging with participants opting for this route. For advisors yet to explore managed accounts, they are worth a closer look. They support the plan sponsor's objective of helping their employees reach a secure retirement while fortifying the advisor's rapport with participants.

Finsum: ADP and Morningstar launch a managed accounts product for DC clients, bridging traditional retirement savings methods with innovative solutions.


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