الأربعاء, 27 شباط/فبراير 2019 13:43

The Yield Curve is Shouting “Recession”

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(New York)

Stock investors may have largely moved on from day to day concerns about a pending recession, but important parts of the bond market are still signaling a downturn is coming. For instance, the 1 to 5-year spread in Treasuries inverted at then end of December, and despite the Fed making a big policy u-turn, has remained inverted ever since. The spread is currently minus 7 basis points. It is important to remember that the entire yield curve does not invert at once, it happens in stages, and this particular measure has proven to be a good recession indicator in the past.

FINSUM: It is alarming to us that this remains inverted despite the drastic change at the Fed. From here forward we expect the curve to be very data dependent, as if economic data is worsening, we expect more and more of it to invert.

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