الخميس, 04 تشرين1/أكتوير 2018 09:58

Protect Your Portfolio from Rising Rates

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(New York)

There has been a lot of speculation about rising rates and whether the Fed might increase the pace of its hikes. However, until yesterday, that fear had not really exhibited itself in yields. Now everything is changed. Accordingly, Barron’s has run a piece highlighting two funds to help protect your portfolio from rising rates. One is the Loomis Sayles Bond fund (LSBRX) and the other is the Oakmark Equity & Income Fund (OAKBX). The former takes an all-bond approach to offset rate rises by loading up on shorter maturities. The Oakmark fund usually holds around 60% equities, with a mix of bonds making up the rest.

FINSUM: These are interesting choices. Whether to buy passive or active funds to offset rate hikes right now has to be the advisor’s choice. ETFs and mutual funds can both be good options depending on the approach one wants to take.

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