السبت, 10 كانون1/ديسمبر 2022 05:42

Retail and direct indexing see eye to eye

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Retail and direct indexing, it seems, forge quite the cozy twosome.

Fueled by clients with assets of between $2 million and $3 million, by 2026, direct indexing will represent one third of retail separate accounts, according to the second annual white paper commissioned by Parametric Portfolio Associates, released by Cerulli Associates, according to financeyahoo.com. Financial advisors were the target.

Assets in directing indexing where projected to expand at a five year CAGR of 12.3% to hit $825 million by 2026, according to the report.

There’s a “gigantic swath of the market” serving these clients who could benefit from such a product due to their tax needs,” said Tom O’Shea, research director and one of the report’s authors. He added that. compared to other investment vehicles like separate accounts and ETFs, the projected rate’s “aggressive.” 

While financial advisors and their clients might not be exactly flocking to direct indexing, the financial services industry’s bent on persuading the financial planning industry that almost every investor can receive a boost from direct indexing, according to investmentnews.com.

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