(New York)
Some of the market’s most important indicators are sending warning signs. Both oil and gold are trading in a way that has traditionally signaled that a big downturn is headed our way. Oil has fallen to near a bear market on concerns over growth, while gold has shot higher on the same worries. The extent of the moves is unique and has often presaged nasty movements in broader asset prices. In both the Dotcom bust and the Financial Crisis, oil and gold behaved similarly, so the question is whether they are sending the same message now. One market analyst noted, “Only three other times in history precious metals surged while oil plunged! All of them happened during severe bear markets and recessions … Buckle up, folks”.
FINSUM: It is odd to think that this has not happened more often as it is exactly what you would expect in times of anxiety about growth. Accordingly, this must be noted.