(New York)
Market volatility has been rising substantially and advisors may be interested in looking for holistic ways to diversify risk. Take a look at WisdomTree’s lineup of models, which are quite comprehensive. Using a factor-based approach, WisdomTree has a number of models to help investors hedge risk. This kind of approach can be quite useful right now as the market has been so unpredictable. According to the CIO of WisdomTree “We see an almost total factor performance reversal. In Q1 (when interest rates were rising), the market was led by value, dividends, and quality, with growth and momentum trailing far behind … But since then (as interest rates have fallen), it has been exactly the opposite—growth, momentum, and quality have led the way, while value and dividends dramatically underperformed”.
FINSUM: Models are an increasingly popular way for advisors to achieve a lot of investing goals, and they may be most useful because they can help save time by giving a single point-of-access to a comprehensive strategy.