الثلاثاء, 28 حزيران/يونيو 2022 05:57

Income Traders Increasingly Turn to ETFs

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Fixed-income ETF volume is spiking as investors look to funds rather than individual bonds to fill their portfolio needs. The turnover rate spiked to $58 billion which topped the previous record from the start of the pandemic in March 2020. This is a huge signal that a generation of investors who have become familiar with equity ETFs are turning to the same vehicles for their bond market fix.  The most popular funds have been high yield funds such as HYG and JNK which saw $9 billion and $4 billion in trades respectively. Fixed income investors have said that the hyperactive market with daily trading presents an advantage from a price discovery standpoint as compared to individual bonds which might not even see trading on any given day. Undoubtedly, market turmoil is contributing to the high acquisition of bond ETFs.

Finsum: Bond demand is skyrocketing and they are returning to portfolios at a very high rate. 

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