الأحد, 09 تشرين1/أكتوير 2022 03:18

ESG Not Much of a Factor for Asset Owners

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According to a global two-phase survey from Morningstar Indexes and Sustainalytics, asset owners are not, by and large, implementing ESG factors in their portfolios. The Voice of the Asset Owner survey asked 500 global asset owners in 11 countries their thoughts on ESG. Survey findings revealed that only 29% of asset owners reported that they consider ESG factors for at least half their holdings. The reason for the low figure was attributed to concern over the impact on returns, a lack of available products, and the reluctance of both clients and stakeholders. However, the survey also showed that 85% of asset owners believe ESG factors are material to investment policy, while 70% said that ESG factors have become more material over the past five years. Asset owners that participated in the survey included OCIOs, family offices and sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, and insurance providers. Two-thirds of the respondents noted that the quality of ESG data, indexes, ratings, and tools have improved. However, about half stated that data and ratings would stand to benefit from improvements in accuracy, timeliness, and greater objectivity.

Finsum: A recent survey revealed that while many asset owners believe ESG factors are material to investment policy, only 29% consider ESG factors for at least half their holdings.

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