Biden has officially made his new SEC pick—Gary Gensler. And while the nomination has not gotten much press, what comes next may. Many fiduciary advocates and those on the left are making a big push for a change to Reg BI, and not just in terms of its actual content, but the name itself. “New suitability standard” is a name that has been floated for example. One industry lawyer, Brian Hamburger, put it this way, “Brokers, as they are registered as brokers, are representative of products; they derive their powers by way of a selling agreement between product manufacturers or investment products; and the dealer component, where they have an obligation to distribute that as appropriate to customers … That is a far cry from having to act in a client’s best interest”.
FINSUM: Most readers here are probably thinking “who cares what it is called”, but that is not the root of the matter. Rather, the name may be a symbolic first step of a major overhaul and the creation of a true fiduciary standard by the SEC.