الإثنين, 24 شباط/فبراير 2020 14:22

When to Buy Fixed Index Annuities

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(New York)

Fixed Index Annuities have suffered from some bad selling practices over the years, and resultantly, bad publicity. However, they can serve some very important roles in a portfolio. There are a few things to remember about them. Firstly, they were designed to compete with CD-like returns while giving complete principal protection. Don’t think of them as a market growth product, they are a life insurance product. Additionally, they are a very good vehicle for income rider guarantees, or contractually agreed guaranteed income. This latter point is especially relevant given that 10,000 Baby Boomers are reaching retirement age every day and we live in a near pension-less world.

FINSUM: When carefully considered and utilized, FIAs can be excellent products that provide steady income and peace of mind.

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