الإثنين, 30 كانون1/ديسمبر 2019 11:35

Why Advisors are Really Going Independent

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(New York)

There is a little known stimulus behind the current trend of advisors breaking away from wirehouses. While many cite freedom of operations and compensation as key reasons for leaving wirehouses, one of the big driving forces is much less appreciated: the requests of clients themselves. According to Shirl Penney, CEO of RIA network Dynasty Financial Partners, “Clients are not simply following their advisors, but sometimes giving them the idea to break free … That’s the dirty little secret that not a lot have been talking about”. High net worth clients increasingly want their advice separated from the manufacturers of the products they buy, which means going independent makes sense for advisors. “So if you’re a million-dollar client of one of our advisors, you now can get independent advice, separate and safe custody and products from around the street the same way that may have been reserved for a billionaire 20 years ago”, according to Penney.

FINSUM: This topic is quite poorly discussed, but seems very salient. We would welcome any emails/opinions from advisors about the extent to which they hear this from clients. Reach us at dkorth@finsum.com.

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