الجمعة, 20 أيلول/سبتمبر 2024 03:17

A Sommelier’s Guide to Ordering

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Navigating a lengthy wine list can feel overwhelming, but with some tips from a sommelier, it becomes a lot easier. 


  • One common mistake is ordering a wine you could easily buy at your local store—dining out is a chance to try something new and unique. 


  • Wines from popular regions like Napa Valley and Bordeaux are often overpriced, so consider exploring lesser-known areas nearby for more affordable, quality options. For example, wines from Cahors or Anderson Valley are great alternatives.


  • Sticking to familiar white wines like chardonnay or sauvignon blanc can limit your experience; instead, try venturing into Italian regions like Sicily, Collio, or Lugana for fresh and interesting varieties. These lesser-known regions offer hidden gems that can elevate your wine journey.

Finsum: These are excellent tips to maximize your dining experience when it comes to wine tasting

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