السبت, 25 أيار 2024 11:36

More Reg BI Enforcement ‘In the Pipeline’: FINRA

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In a blog post, Bill St. Louis, FINRA’s head of enforcement, said that more Reg BI cases are ‘in the pipeline’ and that ‘disciplinary actions have been increasing’. He added that these cases in the pipeline involve Form CSR, excessive trading, complex products, and variable annuities. 

Two recent enforcement actions involved the use of social media influencers for customer acquisition. FINRA fined Cobra Trading $200,000 for paying social media influencers with larger followings to promote the firm. According to the agency, these promotional posts made false claims and were not fair or balanced. Similarly, M1 Finance was fined $850,000 for social media posts made by influencers on the firm’s behalf that violated FINRA’s guidelines. 

Given that a growing share of the public now gets news and information about investments from social media, the agency is conducting regular sweeps. Firms are also required to conduct a consolidated audit trail. According to St. Louis, most firms are in compliance with these reporting obligations, but some audit cases are also in the pipeline. 

Finsum: FINRA is stepping up enforcement of Reg Bi. Two recent enforcement actions were due to firms improperly using social media for promotion.  

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