الثلاثاء, 02 كانون2/يناير 2024 02:49

Unlocking Flexibility with Separately Managed Accounts

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For discerning investors seeking a personalized approach to wealth management, mutual funds are often just the tip of the iceberg of possible solutions. Mutual funds offer professional oversight and a level of diversification, but transparency and flexibility are not typically among their strengths. Enter Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs).


SMAs function like custom portfolios tailored to the account holder's unique risk tolerance, goals, and even ethical considerations. Want to prioritize tech stocks? Avoid fossil fuels? SMA customization lets investors and their advisors call the shots. And forget about waiting until the quarter or year-end to see the securities held by your fund - SMAs' full transparency of underlying investments provides crystal-clear clarity any time of the year.


Of course, with power comes responsibility. SMAs often require deeper engagement in the investment process, but the effort is often worth it for investors who want the added benefits.


While minimum account balances in the past for SMAs may have seemed intimidating, the tides are turning. Advancements in platforms and technology have lowered entry points, making customized wealth management more accessible than ever. For advisors seeking to cater to sophisticated clientele who value tailored solutions, SMAs deserve a closer look.

Finsum: Separately Managed Accounts offer an advantage over mutual funds for investors who desire greater transparency and flexibility in their accounts.


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