الأحد, 10 كانون1/ديسمبر 2023 08:49

A Succession Planning Tip: Don't Just Find a Partner, Find the Right Broker-Dealer

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The last thing a retiring financial advisor might want to consider is making a significant change to their business. Their focus is often on finding the perfect partner to join their practice so they can transition out over the next few years. However, an overlooked option with significant benefits lies in switching broker-dealers.


Think of it as a reverse recruitment process. Just as firms entice top advisors with cutting-edge technology, competitive compensation, and career development opportunities, these same features can attract a larger pool of potential buyers for a practice. Joining a progressive firm can also expand an advisor's recruitment options, giving them access to a broader range of advisors who might be interested in taking over their business.


Making a switch might seem like extra work at the tail end of a career, but the advantages can be substantial. By aligning with a forward-thinking firm, an advisor may find a smoother transition to their succeeding partner and potentially even a higher purchase price for their practice. Advisors should not dismiss the power of changing broker-dealers as part of their succession plan – it could be the key to a successful and rewarding exit.

Finsum: Financial advisors planning their succession should explore how switching broker-dealers could be their ticket to a rewarding exit.


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