الخميس, 02 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2023 08:12

Using Direct Indexing to Harvest Tax Gains

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One of the reasons that direct indexing has been gaining in popularity is its ability to harvest tax losses in portfolios with regular scans and rebalancing. This technology can also be used to harvest taxable gains on assets that have appreciated considerably over a long period of time by raising the cost basis of securities. This will ultimately lead to a lower capital gains tax bill.


This strategy entails selling shares that are owned on a low-cost basis and then rebuying at a higher cost basis. Unlike tax loss harvesting, there is no wash rule which prevents the same shares from being rebought. It can be most effective when there is an offsetting capital gains loss in another part of the portfolio. 


Investors have not readily embraced this strategy as it conflicts with human nature and the desire not to sell a winning position. Advisors have an opportunity to serve their clients by explaining the benefits. 


However, they need to identify these opportunities with the right technology and holistic perspective. The best chance of gaining this perspective is with a unified management account. It can also aid recruitment as many potential clients are looking for advisors who have a firm grasp on technology and innovative solutions to reduce capital gains taxes.


Finsum: Direct indexing can help advisors and investors with harvesting tax gains in addition to tax losses. This entails selling winning positions and then rebuying at higher levels to lower future capital gains tax bills. 


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