الجمعة, 22 أيلول/سبتمبر 2023 09:46

Confusion Around Direct Indexing

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Direct indexing is a new approach to investing which involves recreating an index within an investors’ portfolio which combines the benefits of passive investing in addition to tax loss harvesting capabilities with the potential for increased customization. For these reasons, it’s been growing in popularity especially as it’s become available to a wider swathe of investors.


However, according to a recent report from Hearts & Wallets, a wealth management research firm, most investors remain unfamiliar with the concept. In fact, there is considerable confusion about what it specifically means. Many weren’t able to specifically delineate between ETFs and direct indexing.


Another challenge is that many investors believed that direct indexing was closer in approximation to active investing rather than passive investing and that it would require some sophisticated management. For those who were interested in direct indexing, the potential tax savings were the biggest factor. 


One of the conclusions of the report was that the industry should consider renaming ‘direct indexing’ to something that was more definitive. Too many investors who would be good candidates for these products are dismissive due to an incorrect understanding of its function and benefits. 

Finsum: Direct indexing is growing in popularity. Yet, a recent report on the category revealed some issues that may impede its future growth. 


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