الخميس, 31 آب/أغسطس 2023 13:11

A “perfect investment?” In the name of MPT

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Perfecto. A perfect 10.

And that’s not to mention the “perfect investment?”, which, in all likelihood, you’d like to see manifest in, among other things, high returns and low risk. While such an investment – despite the development of all; sorts of methods and strategies – might be all but unattainable, modern portfolio strategy or MPT’s come as close as any, according to investopdia.com.

Looking at the expected risk and return of one specific stock falls short of the mark, according to MPT. Rather, sock your money in more than one; that way, an investor can reap the benefits of diversity. That includes shoring back the risk of the portfolio.

Probably not surprisingly, like pretty much everything else, MPT has its limits, according to yourwealth.com. Its perceived positives aside, in the clutches of economic downturns, certain aspects of MPT could be placed under a microscope. Not to mention the fact of when various asset classes don’t necessarily balance one another.

Nevertheless, potentially, MPT can smooth out the returns of a portfolio and put a lid on volatility while, perhaps, dispending earnings down the road.


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