Over the past year, direct indexing has become a hot topic in the financial media. It’s hard not to see why with firms such as Fidelity and Vanguard launching direct indexing solutions. But direct indexing is not a new investment product. In fact, Natixis launched Active Index Advisors Strategies, its direct indexing business, in November 2002 with the AIA S&P 500® direct indexing strategy. The strategy has grown from $4 million in assets under management to nearly $8 billion today. Even more impressive is that the AIA S&P 500® strategy has tracked its benchmark index to within 12 basis points annualized since inception, outperforming on an after-tax basis by over 370 basis points on an average annualized basis. The strategy seeks to outperform on an after-tax basis while providing a pre-tax return similar to the S&P 500 Index. The firm’s direct indexing solutions provide fully customizable SMAs that can be customized for tax purposes, align with investor values such as ESG, or tilt towards factors.
Finsum:Amid a recent push by financial firms to launch their own direct indexing solutions, Natixis celebrates the 20th anniversary of its first direct indexing strategy.