Displaying items by tag: management

الإثنين, 17 تموز/يوليو 2023 20:28

Seeing dollar signs

Okay, now, stop drooling. Say what?

This: over the next five years, the model portfolio realm of money management’s expected to swell to a $10 trillion business by Blackrock Inc, according to finance.yahoo.com.

You say coaches are masters at plotting strategy? Well, in this care, the strategy, where asset managers and investment platforms gather packages that are ready made and sold to financial advisers, current is on course to expand from approximately $4.2 trillion according to Salim Ramji, global head of iShares and index investments at the asset manager.

“It’s going to be massive,” he said on Bloomberg Television’s ETF IQ. “It’s the way in which more and more fiduciary advisers are doing business, and, as a result, that’s the way in which we’re doing business with them.”

Also significant, when it comes to money management, plucking money into the model portfolio commands a special corner, according to advisorhub.com.

Blackrock, a plethora of competitors like Vanguard and Charles Schwab are reaping the benefits stemming from the popularity of bundling funds into ready made strategies. 

Published in Eq: Financials
الإثنين, 28 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2022 07:02

Move over, Taylor: succession planning makes it two sheriffs in town

Thought Taylor Swift was all the rage? Okay; fair enough, especially if you ask Ticketmaster.

But she’s going to have to scoot over. In the financial industry, succession planning’s become all that and more, according to diamond-consultaants.com. Not only that, when it comes to the movement of advisors its propelled into a primary driver.

Programs like Merrill’s CTP (Client Transition Program), Morgan Stanley’s FAP (Former Advisor Program), and UBS’s ALFA (Aspiring Legacy Financial Advisor) Program, have been formulated by most wealth management firms. As a result, senior advisors can call it a day in place and the next gen, over time, can assume the reins of the business.

With succession planning, of course, employees are recruited and developed, according to corporatefinanceinstitute.com. The intent: to fill a role – a key one, at that – with an organization. What it does is rachet up the availability of employees who’ve not only been around the block, but competent, to boot. They’re up to the task of supplanting members of the old guard who’ve oh, say, left, retired or passed away.

Succession planning circumvents the potential of creating a hole in leadership in the aftermath of a retirement or departure of an organization’s senior officer.

Published in Eq: Financials
السبت, 15 تشرين1/أكتوير 2022 04:18

NY Broker Fined and Suspended in First FINRA Reg-BI Action

FINRA has issued its first disciplinary action related to Reg BI. The regulatory authority levied a $5,000 fine and a six-month suspension on a broker for allegedly causing their client to pay tens of thousands in commissions on an account of less than $30,000. It is the first time FINRA has taken action against a broker for alleged violations of the SEC's Reg-BI fiduciary rule. Charles V. Malico, who worked for Network 1 Financial Securities at the time of the violation, accepted and consented to the agency’s findings without admission or denial. According to findings, between July 2020 and November 2021, Malico violated Reg BI when he recommended a series of trades in the account of a retail client that was considered excessive based on the customer’s investment profile. Therefore, his actions were not in the client’s best interest. Making matters worse, Malico allegedly recommended that his client buy and sell a security, only to repurchase the same security days or weeks later. FINRA was made aware of the broker’s conduct through a review of a customer-initiated arbitration. The arbitration, which is still pending, stemmed from a Dec. 6, 2021 customer complaint that alleged negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and negligent supervision. 

Finsum: In its first disciplinary action related to Reg BI, FINRA levied a $5,000 fine and a six-month suspension on a broker for not acting in the best interests of his client.

Published in Wealth Management
الأحد, 09 تشرين1/أكتوير 2022 03:18

ESG Not Much of a Factor for Asset Owners

According to a global two-phase survey from Morningstar Indexes and Sustainalytics, asset owners are not, by and large, implementing ESG factors in their portfolios. The Voice of the Asset Owner survey asked 500 global asset owners in 11 countries their thoughts on ESG. Survey findings revealed that only 29% of asset owners reported that they consider ESG factors for at least half their holdings. The reason for the low figure was attributed to concern over the impact on returns, a lack of available products, and the reluctance of both clients and stakeholders. However, the survey also showed that 85% of asset owners believe ESG factors are material to investment policy, while 70% said that ESG factors have become more material over the past five years. Asset owners that participated in the survey included OCIOs, family offices and sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, and insurance providers. Two-thirds of the respondents noted that the quality of ESG data, indexes, ratings, and tools have improved. However, about half stated that data and ratings would stand to benefit from improvements in accuracy, timeliness, and greater objectivity.

Finsum: A recent survey revealed that while many asset owners believe ESG factors are material to investment policy, only 29% consider ESG factors for at least half their holdings.

Published in Wealth Management
الجمعة, 08 حزيران/يونيو 2018 09:47

The Best Small Caps

(New York)

Small cap stocks have done well this year, and many are growing more interested in the area following underperformance in the last few years. With that in mind, here are some picks from a top global small caps fund manager. The first thing to know is that international small caps are one of the few areas where active management adds value because many companies are poorly covered by analysts. The other thing to know is that at small caps the CEO really makes a difference in a way that is impossible at much larger organizations. The manager picks shares like Japan’s Horiba, or ABC-MART, or Britain’s Electrocomponents.

FINSUM: Picking international small caps is definitely an area where management needs to be outsourced to a specialist, and to be honest, this fund’s (Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US Small-Cap) picks and approach were to us impressive.

Published in Eq: Large Cap

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