الإثنين, 26 حزيران/يونيو 2023 03:14

Buffett Continues to Increase Exposure to the Energy Sector

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Even at his advanced age, Warren Buffett continues to make prescient moves. The most recent example includes loading up on energy stocks just prior to the sector’s incredible gains in 2020 and 2021. While prices have receded amid concerns that a recession is near, Buffett is using the weakness to increase his exposure to the sector.

However, his most aggressive bet in the sector is on Occidental Petroleum of which Berkshire owns 222 million shares which is equivalent to nearly 25% of the company’s market cap. While Occidental is an integrated operator, the bulk of its revenues are from drilling which means that it’s sensitive to swings in the price of crude oil.

Based on his public comments, Buffett sees the energy supply chain as being constrained given a lack of capital expenditures over the last decade, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and changes wrought by increased electrification. At the same time, global demand for oil continues to increase, leading to a tighter equilibrium between supply and demand. 

In addition to his Occidental investment, Buffett also has a $22 billion stake in Chevron. Additionally, Berkshire Energy contributes $25 billion of revenue to its parent company and is composed of power generation and distribution companies like pipelines, renewables, and utilities.

Finsum: Energy has delivered poor returns in 2023 amid increased supply and growing recession fears. However, Warren Buffett continues to increase his exposure to the sector.


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