
There hadn’t been a shortage of interest in ESG until the economy's most recent swell in volatility which has given investment firms like Goldman pause in their considerations. They have drastically moved up the rejection rate for bonds that satisfy their ESG interest which is now hovering around 30%. Their rejection rate had trended upward as a result of tightening standards, but they are facing additional pressure from buyers who are concerned about greenwashing along with the macro risk present in the economy. They are more incredulous with seemingly glowing reports as people are concerned that companies might not be as green as they appear.

Finsum: Companies not tightening suit on ESG might face some discomfort when regulation inevitably tightens.

Direct indexing is driving many headlines but investors want to know the brass tax: if they are really worth it compared to ETFs. ETFs' advantages over direct indexing are their ease of use and flexibility because they trade like stocks. They tend to have lower fees than a strategy like direct indexing as well, but hiccups happen and an ETF could make a mistake when tracking the underlying asset. Direct indexing investors own the stocks that make up the index, this gives huge advantages when it comes to tax loss harvesting. Moreover, it gives a different level of flexibility by customizing risk exposure. There are two big drawbacks, the first being this is essentially an active management strategy that requires careful attention and rebalancing. Finally, fractional shares can vastly limit your brokerage options.

Finsum: The biggest component appears to be tax-loss harvesting, if you can get enough alpha here direct indexing could prove viable.

Advisors have been rapidly increasing their use of model portfolios to better address clients' needs. More astounding is that despite market volatility their inflows are up over $350 billion in the last nine months. Morningstar launched a list of their best model portfolios and taking the top of the list was BlackRock's long-horizon ETF with a Gold rating. Shortly after was BlackRock Target Allocation ETF, and then a slue of Vanguard models. Core, CRSP, Russel, S&P, and Tax-Efficient Vanguard portfolios also got the highly touted gold rating from Morningstar. They also praised BlackRock's team and their highly respected research processes. These are all great options for those who want to add models.

Finsum: Target date funds are some of the most intuitive models for clients and the easiest to implement.

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