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Sunday, 23 June 2024 09:33

Factor Investing in Alternatives

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The term beta represents an investment’s volatility relative to the overall market and is a concept that experienced investors understand well. Beta measures the sensitivity of an investment to overall market movements and is a measure of systematic risk, with the market typically represented by a broad index like the S&P 500. 


High beta stocks exhibit more volatility and are typically growth stocks, while low beta stocks are less volatile and often include value stocks in defensive sectors. But this approach should be used when thinking about alternatives because they are being used to balance a portfolio.


Beta can change over time due to economic conditions and changes in a company's operations or industry. When assessing alternative investments, combining beta with correlation provides insight into an investment's potential role in a portfolio, enhancing diversification and risk management.

Finsum: You don’t need complicated financial models to assess beta, and integrating this historical return factor could greatly improve portfolio performance.