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الأحد, 04 كانون1/ديسمبر 2022 04:31

Active Fixed-Income ETFs Can Add Value to Tax Loss Harvesting

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Holly Framsted, ETF director at Capital Group, home of the American Funds, thinks that advisors and tax professionals shouldn’t overlook the role that actively managed fixed-income ETFs can play in tax loss harvesting. Tax loss harvesting is a strategy that involves selling investment securities at a loss to reduce federal capital gains taxes. Framstead notes that typically, investors will turn to the equity markets for tax loss harvesting, but with the bond markets also experiencing losses this year, fixed income should be considered part of the strategy. In an article for Bloomberg Tax, she wrote, “To realize capital losses through tax loss harvesting, investors must not purchase the same or a substantially identical fund or security for 30 days after the sale. During this time, cash raised from the sale of securities can be reinvested in strategies that are different from those that generated the loss.” She believes that the differentiation that active ETF strategies provide relative to other funds “may make them a compelling investment during the wash sale period as a way for investors to maintain exposure to a changing market while still booking losses.”

Finsum:Capital Group’s ETF director recommends incorporating active fixed-income ETFs into a tax loss harvesting strategy to take advantage of the differentiation that they provide.

Category: Bonds: Total Market

Keywords: active etfs, ETFs, fixed income, tax loss harvesting