Displaying items by tag: bond

الأربعاء, 23 تشرين2/نوفمبر 2022 03:38

Active management right at home – no matter where


Well, active management fits the bill in any environment, according to Nuveen.com, according to whom actively managed bond strategies can play a part in managing portfolio risk while abetting returns. Not a bad thing, it pointed out, especially these days, with percolating interest rates.

Mike Gitlin, head of Fixed Income for Capital Group, said: “Now is a good time for financial professionals and investors alike to consider active fixed income ETFs. We’ve deliberately built our three new active ETFs in categories that have historically been underserved by active ETF managers. We believe these will help investors manage short-term cash needs, generate tax-exempt income, and benefit from some of the best starting yields we’ve seen in credit in years.”

You might say today’s market conditions have been less than idyllic for fixed income investors. Might you? Anyway, at the same time, investors in equities are on the hunt for bonds to offset stock prices headed the wrong way, according to thestreet.com. Still, with planning and a grasp of available options, investors can find traction in bond markets that are transitioning.


Published in Eq: Financials
الإثنين, 06 حزيران/يونيو 2022 14:34

Bond Inflows Amid Mutual Fund Disintegration

It’s no secret bond funds have been on a track of suffering the last couple of months, but that might be turning around especially with mutual fund competitors. The counter cyclical effects of bonds and equities have broken down. In the month of May bond mutual fund outflows increased rapidly to over $90 billion, but bond ETFs saw an increase of $34 billion. Many mutual funds have been losing slowly over time to their ETF competitors. One of the complexing aspects of this relationship is that there has been a significant increase in active ETFs in the last couple of years. The Feds impact on interest rates have really shifted the traditional 60/40 portfolio because rising rates have contributed to the spiking volatility.

Finsum: The increase in active ETFs particularly for fixed income is a direct result of the macro alpha that is more prevalent than ever.

Published in Economy
الجمعة, 20 أيار 2022 08:13

AllianceBernstein Giving More Active Bond Fund Options

AllianceBernstein is moving forward with the development of two new ETF products and they are meeting the demands of the market. There has been a sharp uptick in active management particularly in the bond ETF segment in the post-pandemic environment. The predominant view is that managers are better suited at picking winners with macro-flare proving so effective. The two portfolios they are launching are coming in an ultra-short income offering which will have a combination of government and investment grade corporate debt. As well as a tax-aware short-duration ETF. There has also been a shift towards shorter duration bond funds as a response to a rise in interest rate risk.

Finsum: With the Fed stomping on the gas pedal, if inflation comes under control quickly longer duration debt could be under-priced.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
الإثنين, 25 نيسان/أبريل 2022 07:51

Bond Bulls Fuel T-Bill Rally

Inflation may be peaking, or at least that is what Treasury bulls are thinking. A rally started at the 20-year note and worked its way to shorter term rates this week: the 30-year yield fell 13 basis points and the ten-year yield fell by 12 basis points. Declining yields were driven by investors flooding into these treasury markets. Still, investors are pricing in a half-point rate increase by the Fed in the next two meetings with an almost 100% chance of reading the tea leaves in the options markets. The rally was really suppressed by Bank of America’s Forecast which said inflation peaked in March and will be on the decline. Similar patterns took place on the long end of the government bond market in the Euro areas as well with Germany and the U.K. seeing their yields fall.

Finsum: The flood in the TIPS market suggests that bond investors still see some persistent inflation in the near term. 

Published in Markets
الجمعة, 05 تشرين1/أكتوير 2018 10:56

New ETF to Fight Rising Rates from Goldman Sachs

(New York)

Fighting the impact of rising rates on one’s portfolio is likely a primary goal of many advisors and investors right now, so we will be running a series of stories on the topic. For instance, Goldman Sachs has just released a new ETF in the area. In what is being called “smart beta exposure to bond markets”, Goldman has launched the Goldman Sachs Access Inflation Protected US Bond ETF (GTIP). The fund selectively chooses Treasury Inflation Protected Securities and costs 0.12% per year. “TIPS present an attractive diversification opportunity for many investors with relatively low correlations to other major asset classes”, says Goldman.

FINSUM: TIPS seem like a good investment right now, but we wonder how this will perform versus other rate hedged ETFs, most of which seem to have a different angle.. On the plus side, it is quite low cost.

Published in Bonds: Total Market
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